Digital Art Vilanova
Art Digital Vilanova
Artist: Solimán López @solimanlopez EX_Orbita Mar Canet & Varvara @varvara_and_mar Pablo Alpe @pablo_alp A.L. Crego Luis E. Fraguada @fraguada Pink Morro & Civit @pinkmorro @oscarcivit Nastplas @nastplas Bernardo Rivavelarde @bernardo_rivavelarde Kenor (Fousion Gallery) @kenor1 @fousiongallery Nil Bartolozzi @nilbartolozzi
Curated by: Oscar Civit @oscarcivit and Betty Bigas @betty_bigas
Organised by: l'Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú, @ajuntamentvng @lasalavilanovailageltru Centre d’Art Contemporani La Sala with the support of Generalitat de Catalunya. @gencat
Location: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain
Gallery: Centre d’Art Contemporani La Sala
A group exhibition that invites the viewer to enter a world where domestic objects are reinvented and become extraordinary Artworks. In this exhibition you can see stimulating installations that challenge our perceptions of reality and functionality. The mundane meets the wonderful, each piece invites viewers to question the roles and meanings of the objects that populate our daily lives. Idea conceived by the artistic movement “BASC”. @gastonlisak @noquedatinte @hiddenfactorybarcelona @nicolevindel
Curated by @betty_bigas
With the support of: @visualsign_barcelona @roca_global @terraneo_eco
Location: Barcelona, Spain.
Gallery: LastCrit Gallery
“Madrid destino de sueños: el cine urbano de Bigas Luna #YoSoyLaJuani' “
The exhibition is a journey through the character that Bigas Luna designed as an Iberian icon of the new woman of the 21st century. Juani is the prototype of a girl from the periphery whose dream is to be a movie star, contextualized through her look, her relationships, her iconic objects and her polygon environment: the tuning world.
This film exemplifies the transformation in the way of film-making in Spain and the projection of Madrid as a filming location.
Images from filming, casting, interviews, bodywork, wheels and steering wheels from the 𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 world, script pages, original costumes...
Curated by: @betty_bigas and @vickycalavia
@serreria_belga @madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain
Gallery: Espacio Cultural Serrería Belga